01/5Feeling like you're about to be ghosted? These signs will tell you for sure

As much as we like to think that ghosting isn't really a thing and that no one would be awful enough to do something that stupid to anyone, turns out getting ghosted is a lot more common than you'd imagine. If you're in a casual relationship and you can notice certain things that your partner is doing, maybe it's time to start thinking of those as red flags because there might be a chance that your partner is no longer interested in you and is planning on ghosting you. And as much as it might hurt, it's always best to get out of such things while you can rather than wait for them to ghost you. Here are some signs that will tell you for sure whether you're about to be ghosted. Take a look.

by Alisha Alam

02/5They'll reply only in emojis

Sure emojis have turned into a rather normal part of conversations and it can even add some fun and playful elements. But when that's all your so-called 'partner' is replying to you with, then maybe it's because they're not even interested enough to have a proper conversation. Consider this as a red flag.

by Alisha Alam

03/5They haven't introduced you to their friends

Sure you might have met a few of his casual friends but if you've been seeing him for some time and you still haven't met his inner circle or his besties then that's probably because he doesn't seem interested enough in you to make you meet them. And if he keeps putting it off then it's just clear that he's not serious about the relationship.

by Alisha Alam

04/5They reply in just one-word answers

One of the worst ways to have a conversation with someone is to receive one-word answers. It isn't just annoying but it's also humiliating. You might be sending them paragraphs and they'll reply with just an 'okay' or 'hmmm'. If that isn't a sign that they're planning on ghosting you, we don't know what is.

by Alisha Alam

05/5They see your messages but don't reply

Isn't this the most awful thing? Just being ignored so blatantly can feel really bad. If they're seeing your messages but not replying to them deliberately then you should understand that they're not very keen on talking to you.

by Alisha Alam