Signs that you have had too much caffeine and how to fix it

Dhwani Vora | Feb 24, 2020, 09:20 IST
Is not news that some of us can't start our day without a cup of coffee. It's that one life-changing beverage that helps us get through each morning, long flights and even late night drives. Coffee is one of our favourite sources of caffeine and it even has some of the greatest health benefits.

Although, the truth remains that this daily dose of caffeine has some side effects too. and so, we'e here to tell you how to find out if you've had too much of it.

- You will find yourself using the washroom a lot of times: Coffee is a diuretic that needs you to urinate quite often and the issue only worsens if you have too much of it. The acidic content that comes along with it and the citrus-based caffeinated beverage can trigger the body's urge to go to the bathroom more often and quick. You need to stick to a dark roast coffee to decrease the acidity intake and eat a snack or two along with coffee to slow down the movement of the fluid in your stomach.

- You find it difficult to sleep: There will be times when you just can't get yourself to sleep and it's the worst feeling but it could be due to all that caffeine in your body. The amount of it can actually disrupt your sleep cycle and cause flu-like symptoms if you don't fix it. Make sure you don't drink coffee any time after 4pm so that your body can fall asleep during bed time.

- You get too jittery: Since coffee is a central nervous stimulant, it directly focuses on your body's core processing system. The caffeine inside your coffee can increase the adrenaline rush which can in turn cause your body to go into fight or flight mode. This is when you should know that you need to swap your afternoon coffee with a cup of tea instead as it slows down your caffeine consumption. You can also try herbal tea or decaf coffee as an otherwise healthier option.
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