01/5These signs will prove that you're just a friend to your crush

Refers to you as ‘bro’: Trust us when we say this, men will never call the girl they’re crushing on as 'bro'. If they like you, they will never address you in the way they do with the rest of their gang. So, chances are that if he's calling you bro, sorry, he's just not that into you. He probably looks at you like one of the guys from his gang.

by Alisha Alam

02/5He never flirts

Any guy who likes a girl will always, always try to flirt with her, no matter what. He might just pass it off as a joke later on, so if this guy has never flirted with you, he probably just thinks of you as a good friend and nothing more. Otherwise, he's sure to give you at least some hints of attraction.

by Alisha Alam

03/5He talks to you about other girls

Well, if this happens then you are officially in the friend zone. Sorry ladies! A guy that likes you will never discuss other girls with you because he'll always think he might have a chance of dating you. So, if this guy is coming up to you and talking about other girls, he's probably not interested in you.

by Alisha Alam

04/5There is no difference in his behaviour

Try and notice what he's like around other friends of his. If he treats them and you the same way, then he really isn't attracted to you. If a guy likes you, there will be a change in his behaviour towards you. It might be subtle, but it'll be there. He won't treat you the same way as he does others.

by Alisha Alam

05/5He sets you up with other people

Yep, it's official. He does not like you. We repeat, he does not like you. This has got to be one of the most obvious signs that this guy is not into you. Because if he was, he would never, ever in his wildest dreams set you up with another guy. So, if he does this, he only sees you as a friend.

by Alisha Alam