Signs that your liver needs attention and how to give it better health

Dhwani Vora | Apr 14, 2020, 14:21 IST
Overdoing alcohol can damage your liver and that's no news. But do you know that this can also mean that it can affect your health in general too? Liver is the vital organ in our body which does the body's processing, storing and distribution. The liver also transforms food into energy and detoxifies the poisonous chemicals as well as stores fats, sugars, minerals and vitamins until the body needs them. There's just so much the liver does for you and so it's that one organ which needs some love.

Here are some signs that your liver needs some attention:

- Dark urine
- Dark circles that are not genetic
- Fatigue
- Soreness or swelling under your right lower rib cage where the liver sits
- Bruising
- Skin conditions like acne and itchiness
- White or greasy, smelly stools
- Swelling in legs and ankles

This is when you must know that you should take care of your liver by doing these things:

- You are what you eat: Make sure you pay attention on what goes in your body. Saturated fat and sugar can actually lead to a build-up of fat inside as well as around the liver cells and impair their functions.

- Cut down on alcohol: Since alcohol is a toxin the liver needs to detoxify. The breakdown of alcohol can produce compounds that cause inflammation to the liver. When you consume alcohol, it's your liver that makes metabolising the alcohol its priority.

- Stay active: Make sure you're making the most of that one trip outside your home, go for a walk, run or even ride a bicycle. Exercise can help in decreasing stress on the liver and increases the levels of energy and in turn helps in preventing obesity.

- Get to bed: Since the body does most of its processing in the night, it needs the rest. It's very tempting to stay up till late hours, but stick to a routine and make sure you give your body the much needed rest and wake up feeling fresh every morning. This will help the liver to perform its necessary cleansing and resting functions.
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