01/23Here's how you can be happy every day

Happy is an emotion almost everyone on the planet wishes they could feel all day every day. In reality, it can be challenging to feel regularly on a daily basis. While everyone's idea of happiness is different, at the core, everyone wants to lead a satisfying and rich life. That doesn't essentially mean that you can't find joy in the little things in life. In fact, those little things might just be what makes you happy at the end of the day. So, if you're looking to make certain changes to your lifestyle, here are some things that are bound to make you happy. Take a look.

by Darielle Britto

02/23Go with the flow

More often than not we tend to stay stuck in certain moments because we fear change. But ultimately, that can only end up making things worse for us which is why, one must learn how to go with the flow. Experience feelings, situations and people and learn to let them be a part of your life.

03/23Stop and smell the roses

Of course, this doesn't mean you should literally stop and smell roses (although you could do that too). It just means that you should stop and savour moments as and when they're happening instead of just trying to rush past them. These will help create memories you will cherish forever.

04/23Recognise and acknowledge unhappy moments

When something sad happens you have the right to let yourself feel bad about it. Acknowledge that something went wrong and once you're done letting yourself feel that way, try to shift your focus to what can be done to recover from this.

05/23Give compliments

Okay let's be honest, haven't you ever felt like a better person every time you made someone blush by giving them a compliment? Studies have shown that giving compliments don't just make the receiver happy but also induce a sense of joy in the giver. So, go tell the world how good it is!

06/23Opt for some deep breathing

These sitting in one place, trying to meditate exercises might not be your thing but trust us when we say they do work. So, at least give them a try before you start judging them. Close your eyes and envision a happy place. Then all you have to do is breathe in and out slowly. It'll really help calm your body and mind.

07/23Stay in touch with supportive people

One of the best things you can do to keep yourself feeling happy is to stay in touch with supportive people. People who support your decisions, your happiness and who try to help make things better. These will also be the people who will keep you grounded and will be honest with you about your life.

08/23Take up a hobby

Carve out some time from your busy schedule and take up a hobby. Maybe you like to paint or play the guitar or you're interested in a certain sport. Take up whatever it is that you like and you'll notice just how happy you are while you're doing what you love to do.

09/23Live a well-intentioned life

Living your life with meaning and intention just may make you happier and calmer. This way you know the path you want to take and you have a goal. Take the time to figure out what is important to you and how you would like to see your life pan out.

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10/23Make time to laugh

They say laughter is the best form of medicine. There just maybe some truth to that. Some research suggests it can help reduce blood pressure levels, stress, and tackle respiratory infections. It may also help improve your memory and boost creativity.

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