Simple ways diabetes patients can lose weight

Darielle Britto | Mar 11, 2019, 13:36 IST
The number of people that suffer from diabetes, a life-threatening condition, continues to grow. Losing weight can help improve your health and even avoid the health issue altogether.

Here are a few simple ways diabetes patients can lose weight:

1. Avoid sugar: If you want to reduce blood sugar and lose weight, avoid the sweet stuff at all cost. That means no sweets, chocolates, cake or pastries. You should also opt to drink healthy fresh beverages instead of sugary drinks. Drinks that contain too much sugar have no nutritional value and will cause you to pack on the pounds.Jaggery, honey, maple syrup or coconut sugar are healthier options if you are really craving something sweet. However, consume these products in moderation.

2. Physical activity: A little workout harms nobody. In fact, even a few minutes of exercise can go a long way. Take a brisk work or go for a swim. Find an activity you will enjoy. That way you can have fun while losing the weight. Make sure to get a good amount of exercise regularly and preferably every day.

3. Nutrition: If you have diabetes, you have to be careful about the kinds of foods you consume. Incorporate foods that are rich in protein and fibre into your diet. Not only are they good for your body, but it will also help you lose weight faster. You will also feel full for longer, so you won't feel like snacking on unhealthy foods. Balance out your meal plan by adding a bit of everything good like fresh fruits, dark green leafy vegetables, eggs, oatmeal, dairy and whole grains.

3. Stay away from processed food: Foods that are high in fat will help you gain weight fast and derail your weight loss goals. They are also full of chemicals and preservatives that could do more damage to your body. The best foods to consume are fresh and healthy. If you really can't stay away from processed foods, set aside one day in the week to have a cheat day. That way you can have your cake and eat too.

4. Don't skip breakfast: Begin your morning with eggs, oatmeal, fruits or a protein shake. If you don't eat in the morning, you are more likely to overeat later in the day and make unhealthy food choices. So start the day on the right note and make breakfast a priority.

Always consult with your doctor before you make any changes to your diet.
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