Simple ways in which you can take care of your house plants

Dhwani Vora | Mar 3, 2020, 09:55 IST
If you're someone who loves plants and would want some for your house, you don't really have to think so much about how to care for them. It's really not that complicated. You just have to make sure that you know the origin of your plant and understand the environment that it will prefer to grow in. Other than that, we've got you some simple ways in which you can care for your house plants.

- Don't overthink the decision: A lot of people complicate the thought of having house plants just by panicking about their care. Think things through but don't overthink about it. Don't worry about a brown leaf, the plant won't die off. It's just like having a split end, you can cut it off.

- Don't over water the plants: Under or over watering the plants is the biggest mistake that people make. You need to know whether your plan likes regular watering or dries out between watering. Unless it's an aquatic or bog plant, no other plant would like to sit in water. Hence, you don't have to over complicate watering them. Touch the soil, see if it's dry, water it. If not, don't water the plant. It's really that simple.

- Deal with pests: You can remove aphids physically. You can either wipe the plant or wash them off in the bath or outside if it isn't too cold. Use a mild solution of water and a little amount of washing-up liquid. You can even spray the mixture of water and vinegar.

- Give them some space to grow: You need to give your plants a little room to grow bigger or else they're going to have a restricted growth. Repotting them will also help with new soil as it will keep the plant refreshed.
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