Simple ways in which you can use neem for your skin

Dhwani Vora | Sep 17, 2019, 16:58 IST
All you all might know that neem has may benefits as it has a lot of medicinal properties. Even the Vedas say that neem is one of the greatest ingredients that can be put to use for making medicines that cure many ailments. Other than this, neem also carries properties that improves your skin. It is amazing for your skincare. Neem has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties that works magically on your skin. It is the best herb for improving your skin quality as it has antiseptic properties which heals wounds and cures skin infections too. If you're in search of a good skincare solution, need is the best bet.

Apart from this little information, here are some ways in which you can include neem to your skincare routine:

- You can make a paste out of fresh need leaves, mixed with turmeric. Apply this neem turmeric paste on your skin if you have an oily skin type. Neem will soak all the excess oil from your skin and will keep it dry and free from excess oil. You can apply this mask and let it dry for a while before you rinse it off. This can be done twice a week.

- Neem can cure acne and pimples and cleanse your skin from all impurities. It can also prevent breakouts. Using a neem solution for your skin can be a great solution if your skin is prone to acne and pimples. For this, finely chop some fresh neem leaves and grind them into a smooth paste. You can apply this on your face and let it sit for a little while before you rinse it off. Use this at least twice or thrice a week to see good results.

- You can make a good skin toner with the help of neem leaves. Boil some neem leaves in water and wait till the water turns slightly green. Let the water cool down, strain it and pout it in a small bottle. Soak a cotton ball/pad in this toner and dab it on your face and neck regularly. This will give you a fresh looking skin.

- If you wish to achieve glowing skin, all you have to do is make a smooth paste out of neem powder and sandalwood powder with some rose water in it. You can even add aloe vera water instead. Apply this mixture and let it dry on your skin before you was it off. Follow this twice a week and you'll see the results soon.
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