01/11These remedies may help to treat sore muscles

Picture this: You've completed an intense workout and are super proud of your accomplishment. But the next day, your muscles feel the burn. You may be experiencing "delayed onset muscle soreness" (DOMS), which can occur anywhere between 24 to 48 hours after you have performed physical activity. The strain can cause microscopic tears to the muscle fibers, which cause you to feel sore. However, fret not as there are many ways you can reduce the pain from sore muscles. Here are a few simple ways to treat sore muscles.

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by Darielle Britto

02/11Stretch your muscles

One of the best ways to ensure that you don't end up with sore muscles in the first place is to stretch every day. Every morning make sure that you do at least a few stretching exercises. And if by chance you've ended up with sore muscles, these stretching exercises will come to your rescue yet again.

03/11Do warm-up exercises

When you have sore muscles, you should try opting for warm-up exercises since those are usually low-intensity in nature and can help get your muscles moving. This way your body will get that much-needed movement and the soreness will also get reduced.


You already know just how beneficial it is to drink loads of water. Turns out, staying hydrated can also help get rid of soreness from your body. Drinking water can help reduce inflammation as well as cramping in the body and can thus prevent as well as get rid of soreness.

05/11Eat mushrooms

As odd as this may sound, consuming mushrooms can actually help treat sore muscles. "Numerous sources have identified mushrooms as possessing anti-inflammatory properties that may be effective in reducing some muscle soreness," says an expert.

06/11Drink tart cherry juice

Loaded with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds, tart cherry juice can prove to be rather beneficial when it comes to treating sore muscles. However, it is advisable to consume it in fewer quantities as the sugar content in it is quite high.

07/11Opt for a massage

One of the best and easiest methods to reduce soreness in muscles is to opt for a massage. It can significantly reduce pain in the body by combating the compound that causes inflammation. Massages also promote cell renewal and regeneration.

08/11Consume protein

A fast way to recover from sore muscles is by consuming protein. Protein helps the body in many ways. For one, it helps you develop muscle sculpture. It can also help your muscles to recover faster. You should consume nutritious food at least 30 minutes after a fitness routine. It doesn't have to be a big meal. A small plate with complex carbohydrates and protein or almond and chocolate (low-fat) milkshake will be enough to help your body and muscles heal.

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09/11Pour hot water over sore muscles

If ice is not your thing, the "flushing" technique could help. Essentially, you have to just run hot water over the affected area for a couple of minutes. Next, Apply cold water on your sore muscles for 30 seconds. Repeat this process at least five times for it to be really effective. This process helps your blood vessels to open and close, which works to get rid of the lactic acid in your sore muscles and reduce the pain.

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10/11Use ice

If you really can't move, puts some ice on the sore muscles. You can even take a nice ice bath just for 10 minutes. All you will need is a couple of bags of ice, cold water and Epsom salt. While your body will freeze, you will feel a whole lot better once you get out. Cold water can be an effective remedy because it increases blood circulation and acts as a good anti-inflammatory, which can help your body heal faster.

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