Simple weight loss strategies that can work wonders for you

Alisha Alam | May 27, 2019, 16:31 IST
This is the world of fad diets. No matter where you turn, you've got one fad diet lined up behind the other. Now, while these diets do promise you results and fast, not all of them work for everyone. So, what do you do when you want to lose weight but things just aren't working out for you? Experts suggest that to begin with you need to change your environment. Yes, that's right. While having the willpower to eat healthily is necessary, what's even more important is for you to ensure that there's nothing tempting you in your immediate environment. Here are some tips you can keep in mind.

Put healthy items up on your grocery list: Stop buying those bags of chips and bottles of fizzy drinks. Start replacing junk items on your grocery list with fruits, veggies and healthy snacks like yoghurt. You might think that's going to cost a lot of money but that's also where you're wrong. You don't have to buy things in bulk. Just buy enough to get through the week and you'll see that you might just end up saving some money instead.

Say no to food porn posts on social media: Whether we like it or not we are somehow subjected to posts that feature delicious recipes and foods, most of which contain super fattening ingredients like cheese. Try to trim down on these kinds of posts by unfollowing such pages and filtering them out in your preference sections.

Don't let your fridge get empty: Even if you don't want to cook, you could always just opt for a simple salad for dinner. And the only way to do that would be to have fruits and vegetables in your fridge. The moment your fridge starts to get empty you'll start feeling the need to order in and before you know it, you'll be munching on some pizza or Chinese takeout.

Find a restaurant that provides healthy options: Okay, say you couldn't cook at home and you either needed to go out or order in. Make sure that you pick a restaurant that provides healthy options as opposed to junk foods. This way you can go through the menu and order something healthy from the restaurant so that it doesn't mess with your health.

Try these strategies and see what works best for you. Stay tuned for more updates.

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