Irregular periods this month? The solar eclipse might be responsible

Sakshma Srivastav | Aug 24, 2017, 17:19 IST
As bizarre as is sounds, there’s a theory backed with plenty of personal experiences shared by women that this month their period was surprisingly irregular. Not just that, they also experienced menstrual cramps out of the blue and felt moody and felt like they were a bit over-sensitive.

Now let’s look at it a bit scientifically. Both menstrual and lunar cycles are approximately 28 days long and they both have been linked to tides. Throughout history, these cycles were believed to be connected, so it is believed that when the full moon would strike, women would gather into a "moon lodge" to sit and bleed together. That sounds a bit disgusting but that’s how they say it.

(Also read: Here are the best memes about solar eclipse 2017!)

The solar eclipse marks the beginning of a new moon cycle which according to the metaphysical tradition is the perfect time for a woman to start menstruating. Since the force of the moon during the solar eclipse is magnified, it’s gravitational pull on the tides increases and apparently, also on the human body. Although there is no real study that explains this theory, this can be the only logical explanation to the sudden disturbance in the menstrual cycle of so many women across the world.
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