01/20Consume these foods every time you feel like stress eating

Stress eating is a real thing people! And most of us are guilty of doing it. In moments of panic, it is hard to find the will to not give into it. While these foods may offer some comfort at the moment, it can be extremely unhealthy and may do a lot of damage to our health. And what most people generally tend to turn to are carbs and sugary foods, both of which can cause your blood sugar levels to spike and increase cortisol levels. While you must try to learn to keep stress levels in control, here are healthier food options to consume the next time you want to stress eat.

by Darielle Britto


Sometimes a soothing tea can help prevent you from giving in to unhealthy cravings. Tea can help calm the nerves, which could help you think more rationally about your issues. Make sure to keep a tea bag of your blend on standby for when you feel a bit of stress coming on.

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One cup of coffee at the start of the day doesn't hurt. Although, the amount of caffeine you have in a day can really support or sabotage your stress levels. You can surely sip on some coffee at the beginning of the day and avoid one after noon time as it can interfere with your sleep. Beverages like coffee or tea can help in improving your mental focus only when taken in small quantities.

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04/20Dark chocolate

Dark chocolate works wonders for anxiety and stress. Eating a few pieces of dark chocolate every day can actually lower the production of the stress hormone cortisol in your body. You could also opt for chocolate covered almonds as a healthy snack.


Consuming salmon can help to reduce anxiety and stress, according to some studies. Eating this fish twice a week may help to improve your mood. "To keep your wits about you when life gets hairy, you need omega-3s, especially DHA," Elizabeth Somer, R.D told a news portal.

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06/20Red Peppers

Red peppers are loaded with more vitamin C than you realise. Some studies suggest the vitamin can help with stress in many ways. "Diets loaded with vitamin-C-rich foods lower cortisol and help people cope," Elizabeth Somer, R.D told a news portal.

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When you are stressed, you need to replenish your vitamin C levels by snacking on some nuts. "B vitamins keep our neurotransmitters in their happy place and help us handle the fight-or-flight stress response," Ellen Albertson, Ph.D., R.D., a psychologist in Burlington, Vermont, told a news portal. Nuts are also a rich source of potassium, which Penn State researchers say can lower blood pressure levels.

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When you snack on foods that have a bit of a crunch to it, it can help tackle stress. That is why carrots can be ideal to consume when you are super stressed. They are also loaded with nutritions and contain fewer calories than the foods you should probably stay away from when you want to binge. This way you don't have to worry about you waistline expanding.

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09/20Swiss chard

Swiss chard is loaded with magnesium that is beneficial for your health. It can also help manage cortisol, which is your body's stress hormone. You can enjoy it in a salad or with a dip. There are many ways to enjoy this vegetable. Find a recipe that is ideal for you.

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10/20Beet chips

Say no to potato chips and yes to beet chips instead. All you need to do is chop up some beets into think slices and bake them in the oven for 15 minutes. Add a dash of salt to them and you'll end up with something that covers the salt craving while being just as crunchy as potato chips.