Stretching exercises for all those exhausting days at work

Dhwani Vora | Jun 19, 2019, 13:07 IST
A desk job can get way too stressful physically as well as mentally. While you could take regular breaks or listen to some music to do away with the gloomy mind there's very little that you can do to ease out your physical stress. Of course, we understand that suggesting 'go for a stroll' won't help many people as they have a tedious job where they constantly have to be around their work tables. This is why we've got you some stretching exercises that you very much can put to use while you're right on your office chair staring at your laptop screen.

- Staff pose: This one is where you move a little forward towards the edge of your chair, spread your legs and extend them out. Your heels should be resting on the floor while your toes point upwards. Place your right ankle on your left one, inhale, exhale and repeat this stretch for a few more times. This will ease our the tension in your legs and lower back from constant sitting.

- Seated neck rolls: Neck exercises becomes very important for someone who has to constantly sit and work for eight hours or more. For this one, you have to put your hand on the arms of the hair and try moving your neck. Bring your right ear to the right shoulder and then to the centre and then to the left shoulder touching your left ear. Once you're done with this, you can easily rotate your next clockwise and anticlockwise for relaxing more muscles.

- Cat/cow pose: Continuous sitting can give you some amount of stiffness and to get rid of that, you can try this cat/cow pose. For this, you're supposed to place your feet flat on the floor. Bend down slowly and move your pelvis forward and back. Focus well on working out your core muscles only to feel your body feeling loose and relaxed. Also, it is very important to breath well during this exercise while you tilt the top of your pelvis back. Repeat this a few more times and you'll be able to ease out your tension.

- Pigeon pose: This exercise demands you to lift your right knee and place it over your left thigh where your ankle bone rests on top of your knee. Stretch on your right hip and it'll help you feel the much needed relaxation.

These are some stretching exercises that will work wonders if you're way too tired and exhausted at work and don't know how to get rid of all the tension in your body. A lot of this has already been spoken about and also about how important is it to keep some movement while you have a desk job. You should always take your body seriously and do everything to keep it healthy. And these exercises are the least time consuming and very workable.
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