Study states eating from a small plate won't help you lose weight

Alisha Alam | Oct 11, 2018, 16:08 IST
A lot of you might have heard of a psychological trick people like to use when they go on a diet. It's called the Delboeuf Illusion, and is "a fascinating optical illusion of the relative size perception". Basically, it states that if a person picks up a smaller plate, he will end up eating less. However, whoever came up with this seems to have forgotten that there is something also known as multiple servings. Although there is research to indicate that this phenomenon might sometimes work, a recent study has found that when it comes to food, the mind as such cannot be tricked.

For the study, the researchers experimented on two groups of people. One group had not had anything to eat for about an hour. Another group hadn't eaten anything for about 3-4 hours. These people were then shown pizzas served on trays along with images of inedible stuff like black circles within circles and tire hubcaps. They were asked to compare the sizes of these things. It turned out that people who were hungrier for longer were better able to estimate the sizes as compared to those who had just eaten.

Well, this certainly proves that when it comes to food, the human brain is a lot more complicated than we think it is. Stay tuned for more updates.

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