Sun allergy warning signs you need to know

Darielle Britto | Jul 21, 2019, 11:00 IST
Too much exposure to sunlight can cause sunburn. However, you could also be allergic to the sun if your body starts to have a physical reaction - pain and irritation - to the harmful UV rays.

"Sun allergy is a condition in which sun exposure causes a reaction in the skin," Dr Clare Morrison, GP and medical advisor at Medexpress, told a news portal. Adding,"Polymorphic light eruption is the most common type, particularly in young fair-skinned women."

The arms and neck are areas on the body that are commonly affected by this allergy. "Early signs and symptoms include itching, redness, soreness, and rashes, which may include small red bumps or blisters," Morrison told a news portal. Adding, "These occur within minutes or hours after sun exposure."

Here are some of the symptoms of sun allergy to watch out for.
* Redness
* Itching
* Painful skin
* Blisters
* Hives
* Small bumps on the skin
* Crusted and bleeding skin

However, some of these symptoms could also be signs of hay fever, eczema, or insect bites. "Summer is also time when we get hot and sweaty, potentially putting us at risk of yeast infections," Morrison told a news portal

The best way to protect your skin against sun damage is by wearing appropriate clothing and applying a good amount of sunscreen. "Provided the triggers are avoided, sun allergy symptoms will generally go away without treatment within a few days," Morrison told a news portal. Adding, "However, if the symptoms are particularly severe or persistent, do check with your doctor, in case medical treatment is required."
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