01/8You may be making these mistakes and not even realise it

Let's face it, having acne or being prone to it is no picnic in the park. We try everything from eating the right foods to applying the right creams to get rid of it. But did you stop and think that the daily beauty regiment you've grown accustomed to might be the reason you are getting the skin issue too often. Your beauty products might contain ingredients that clog up your pores. Mineral oil that many lotions contain not only clogs your pores but also causes you to break out. You should also be on the lookout for silicones found in cosmetics that can cause blemishes.

by Darielle Britto

02/8You smoke

You probably knew this, because smoking isn’t exactly a good habit to begin with. Every time you light up a cigarette, you reduce the amount of oxygen your facial skin gets. Additionally, smoking also speeds up the breakdown of collagen and elastin, which means speeding up the aging process, along with the increased pore size. The carcinogens in the smoke also irritate the skin and dry it out, triggering it to produce more oil and possibly more breakouts.

by Deesha Bondre

03/8You're using the wrong detergent

A lot of detergents in the market are made of certain chemicals that are too harsh for your skin. And with the slipping into your garments and lying on the pillow cases and bed sheets, you are exposed to enough amount of residue to cause havoc on your skin.

by Deesha Bondre

04/8You're wearing a lot of hats

Yes, hats are fashionable, but they also trap sweat and bacteria against your skin and clog your pores and hence can cause zits to crop up. If you’ve been wearing hats a lot, perhaps give them a miss to see how it works for you?

by Deesha Bondre

05/8You're overdoing it with the spot treatments

Too much of a good thing can do a lot of damage. When you overuse treatments that contain salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide or sulphur, it tends to leave your skin dry. This causes the production of oil, which ruins your complexion and results in blemishes. These ingredients can also burn your skin making it appear red. This makes concealing pimples that much harder.

by Darielle Britto

06/8You're scrubbing your skin too hard.

Giving your skin a good scrub with natural exfoliants or cleansing brushes may seem like a good idea. It's just going to get rid of all the dirt, right? Wrong. You may be of the impression it will give your skin a smoother look and feel, but what you are actually doing is dragging the bacteria all across your skin. This act worsens the condition and causes it to spread.

by Darielle Britto

07/8Your hair product is causing skin issues

Your shampoo and conditioner may contain agents that provide heavy moisture, silicones and sulfates. While it's magic for yout hair, this can clog your pores and cause acne and pimples along your hairline. You could also develop acne on your chest and back. Tilt your hair to the side when washing it, so it's away from your face.

by Darielle Britto

08/8You're eating spicy food too often

Tomatoes and peppers often found in spicy foods contain acidic lycopene, which can irritate some people's skin. It also messes with your skin's pH levels and causes breakouts. You should also keep in mind that your skin is going to react to certain foods like dairy or bread, depending on other factors like genes.

by Darielle Britto