Take these things into consideration before you wax your face at home

Dhwani Vora | Updated: Apr 13, 2020, 11:00 IST
Out of the many problems that women have to deal with on a regular basis, one is waxing. And since we're all caught up in a lockdown, not having access to a salon every few weeks has only made this problem worse. Some women are okay with facial hair but some would like to stay groomed at all times. And this is when women try to take matter in their hands and try to wax their face at home, by themselves.

But there are a few things that you should take care of before you start to wax your face:

- Always do a patch test first: Very important to not miss out on this step before you start waxing out the facial hair. You need to make sure there are no reactions to whatever waxing cream you're going to use on your face. Make sure you try out a small patch, either on the sideburns or your upper lips to test out the strip first. If there are no reactions for the next 24 hours, only then go ahead with the entire face waxing process.

- Don't use the same strip twice: Once you're done using one strip on one section of your face, throw it away and use a fresh one. This is because the more you use the same strip, the lesser hair it will pull out. Also, the more you use the same strip to pull out stubborn hair, the more likely your skin is to tear and damage.

- Keep aloe vera gel handy: Since the skin on your face is very sensitive, anything can go wrong if you don't wax it with utmost care. You could also face skin irritation once you're done waxing and so you need some aloe vera gel to soothe the sensation down. This one has anti-inflammatory properties and so it will help in cooling down the area.

- Deal with breakouts: If at all you have breakouts on your skin, it's always better to consider other forms of hair removal than waxing. This is because waxing your face can worsen the breakout damage and could leave spots on your face for a longer time.
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