Taking a bath precisely 90 minutes before bedtime can fix your sleep

Dhwani Vora | Aug 27, 2019, 16:21 IST
A lot of us have troubles with sleeping and if there's one easy thing that can fix it to a great extent is a bath. Now, many of us know how relieving baths are before bedtime, but if you really want to make it work your way, you need to have a bath in water that is precisely 41 degrees Celsius warm. This will improve your sleep significantly, says a study.

The researchers at the University of Texas at Austin in the US assessed the consistency between relevant studies and showed that a temperature between 104 and 109 degrees Fahrenheit (40 to 43 degrees Celsius) helps in improving the overall sleep quality to a great extent.

Not just that, when you take a bath one to two hours before bedtime, it will speed up the process of falling asleep by an average of 10 minutes says the research.

Both sleep and our body's core temperature are regulated by a circadian clock that is located within the brain's hypothalamus which drives the 24-hour patterns of several biological processes. This also includes sleep and wakefulness.

The researchers found out that the most important time of taking a bath for cooling down our body's core temperature in order to improve sleep quality is 90 minutes before you get to bed.

It is the warm water bath and showers that stimulates the body's thermoregulatory system by causing a marked increase in the blood circulation from the internal core to the peripheral sites of the hands and feet. This results in efficient removal of body heat and decrease in body temperature as well.

If showers and baths are taken at the right biological time which is between one to two hours before bedtime, they will induce the natural circadian process and increase your chances to fall asleep quicker than usual and also guarantee better sleep.
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