The 2 ingredient skin tightening gel that you can easily make at home

Dhwani Vora | Apr 27, 2020, 12:22 IST
You can really make good use of this lockdown time by paying attention to your skin problems out of the many other things that you can do. This is the time when you can explore all you want about the natural treatments you can get home instead of waiting on the salons to start functioning again. One of such home remedy talks about skin tightening.

Flaxseeds are packed with omega 3 fatty acids that work great for your skin. These seeds have antioxidants and phytochemicals that prevent your skin from premature ageing. You can make flaxseed gel with just two kitchen ingredients at home to achieve tight skin.

All you need is: 2 cups of water and half a cup of flaxseeds.

This is how you make it:

Take a pan and boil the water with seeds in it on a medium flame. Make sure that you keep stirring the ingredients. You will find the water turning into a gel form. Once you see that happening, turn off the flame and strain the gel using a strainer. Let it cool and then transfer it into a container. You can now store the gel in the fridge for about a month. In order to add fragrance to it, you can add a few drops of your essential oil in it.

This is how you use it:

You can use the gel as a moisturizer. Once you wash your face with water and pat dry, you can apply the gel on your face and neck. Allow it to dry for 10-20 minutes and then wash it off with cold water.

Benefits of using flaxseed gel:

- This gel will give your skin a new life by giving you a natural glow.

- Every woman wishes for a tight skin and this gel does it job all too well.

- You can use this gel for a healthy skin tone. If your skin starts to look dull and uneven, you can use this face gel and it will work wonders.

- Flaxseeds also work as an exfoliant for your skin and helps clear all the dead sin from your face which in turn gives your face a beautiful glow.

- It's a great skin gel for women who have dry skin as it helps in moisturizing the skin. Flaxseeds have omega 3 fatty acids which has a great effect on dry skin.
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