The hidden cause behind hair on your chin that you should be aware of

Sneha Biswas | May 4, 2020, 18:04 IST
Facial hair is common for both men and women. However, facial hair shows up more prominently in a few areas of our face, such as cheeks and upper lip. Although people with hormonal imbalance might have thicker facial hair than others, if you only look closely in the mirror you might also find hairs growing on the chin. This can be a sign of hirsutism which is not dangerous on its own. However, it can be an indicator of an underlying health problem.

Genes play an important role to determine facial hair. If your grand mother has some stray hairs then you’re too likely to have it at around her age. Similarly, hormones can control your growth of hair too. Too much of androgens are cause abnormal hair on the face, including chin hair. Pregnancy and menopause also add up to this hormonal imbalance.

Chin hair can also a subtle sign of polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) which needs a doctor’s intervention. However, excess chin hair can also potentially be linked to ‘crushing syndrome’ as a result of stress hormones. It’s also a common symptom of type 2 diabetes.

In rare cases, chin hair can also be caused by congenital adrenal hyperplasia. Otherwise, chin hair can also be a side effect of birth control or pregnancy which is nothing to be worried about.

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