The ketogenic diet may help treat children with epilepsy, study states

Alisha Alam | Jan 10, 2019, 11:17 IST
These days a lot of fad diets have taken over the world by storm. And one such diet is the keto diet. While it happens to have its health benefits, a study has now shown that it might also come to the aid of children who suffer from epilepsy. The keto diet features high fat, low carbohydrate and controlled protein intake and has apparently been used since the 1920s for the treatment of epilepsy. While the diet is often used as a medical treatment, it is usually only considered if at least two other modes of medication have failed.

As per their research, as much as 70% of people with epilepsy can have their seizures controlled by taking anti-epileptic drugs (AEDs). However, some children still continue to have seizures, which is where the keto diet steps in. What's important to remember here is that the diet needs to be properly controlled and needs to be administered under supervision. In fact, if one wants to administer a keto diet to a child it needs to be followed with the support of an experienced epilepsy specialist and dietitian.

A few side effects like hunger, vomiting and lack of energy are common and often accompany the diet. However, once the children get used to it, they report an increase in energy and feeling more alert. Stay tuned for more updates.

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