The #Trashtag challenge might just be the best viral trend ever and here's proof!

Alisha Alam | Mar 13, 2019, 15:52 IST
We're all no strangers to the weird challenges that become viral on the Internet. Every time you scroll through your social media handle, you're bound to see people doing lots of crazy things to complete some random challenge. So, in a world that runs on futile challenges like the 'Tide Pod' challenge and the 'Kiki Challenge', the #Trashtag challenge really came like a breath of fresh air.

Now, if you don't already know what the #Trashtag challenge is, it includes taking pictures of a garbage-laden area and then cleaning it all up, after which you need to take another picture and then post the before and after pictures on your social media handles and use the #Trashtag. For the first time, it looks like there's a challenge out there that actually makes sense.

The challenge was originally started in 2015 as the Trashtag Project and was created by UCO, a company that makes outdoor gear. It required people to find littered areas and clear them up. Their initial goal was to collect 10,000 pieces of trash by October 2016. While the challenge seemed to have died down by 2016, in 2019 it popped up again under the name #Trashtag. And ever since then it has gone viral, as does pretty much everything else on the Internet. Plenty of people have taken to their social media handles to share before and after pictures of a place that they've cleaned. Well, we do hope people start following more responsible challenges like this one.

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