01/5Want to stress less? These beauty rituals will help out!

It's no secret that the coronavirus pandemic has gotten us all stressing over pretty much everything. It can be daunting thinking about how long we'll have to live in quarantine and lockdown. But the more stressed you are, the likelier you are to fall sick even more easily. That's why you need things that will help take your mind off of all the stress and what better than an enchanting beauty ritual? It can help give you the pamper session you deserve and can also help you stay calm and relax. So, if a beauty ritual is what you want, here are some that will bust that stress right away!

Photo credits: Google images

by Alisha Alam

02/5Aromatherapy to the rescue!

Don't underestimate the power of aromatherapy. If you have an electric diffuser, all you need to do is pour a few drops of some relaxing essential oils (we prefer lavender) in the diffuser and it'll make your entire room smell pleasant. Alternatively, you could also just use scented candles instead of you don't have a diffuser handy.

03/5Power of the Pillow mist!

If you're having trouble sleeping, all you need to do is spritz on some pillow mist on your pillows and the aroma will help you fall asleep in no time. You could also spray some of it into your blanket or even your pyjamas. Don't overdo it though, you don't want to end up with a headache.

04/5Use undereye creams and masks

Stress can lead to sleeplessness and that can lead to undereye bags or dark circles. So, if you want to get rid of those undereye issues, opt for some undereye creams and masks. They'll help you relax and will melt your stress away. And if you don't have a pack at home, you could always make one at home using cucumbers, honey and some rose water.

05/5Make time for Massages

Honestly, what could be more relaxing than massages? Whether it's a facial massage, a head massage or a body massage, make time for these and you'll notice just how helpful they can be in getting rid of all that pent-up stress. You could use essential oils to give yourself a good massage and it'll even help put you to sleep in no time.