These beverages can help you manage type 2 diabetes

Darielle Britto | Feb 5, 2019, 12:22 IST
Certain drinks we often consume have been found to help manage type 2 diabetes, as well as lower blood sugar levels.

Coffee, water and karela juice are some of the drinks diabetes patients should consume regularly, according to a recent study.Here is a list of reasons why these beverages are beneficial:

1. Coffee:The much-loved beverage is rich in antioxidants that help prevent inflammatory diseases like diabetes. It also contains minerals like magnesium and chromium that has been found to help lower rates of type 2 diabetes.

2. Water: Because obesity is a major risk factor of diabetes, drinking water can help you lose weight. The essential drink also contains minerals and vitamins our bodies need to function properly.

3. Karela juice: It may have a bitter taste, but this juice can help you manage diabetes and lower your blood sugar levels. Drinking gourd juice regularly can even help you reduce your risk of developing the condition. Try and drink a glass of it daily.

Diabetes reportedly affects 62 million Indians and millions more around the world. Experts warn the number of cases is growing. Obesity, genetics, sedentary lifestyle, PCOS are some of the major risk factors of diabetes. The best way to avoid it is by eating a healthy diet that consists of the right foods and to make exercise a priority.
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