01/5This exam season make sure you include these in your diet

You must remember your grandmother advising you to eat more fruits or vegetables before the exam season kicks in. Or your mother running around the house to convince you how good karela is for your brain. Giving you flashbacks already? Well, the ugly truth is they were right. So, now that you have grown up and already adulting, here’s what you should include in your kid’s daily meal to sharpen their memory. Not a parent yet? Well, that’s okay, we are sure you must have a little one around you who must be going nuts trying to mug up every sentence from the book. The following will help them along with regular study sessions, of course.

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by Miss Kyra


Be it Californian or Mamra Giri, almonds carries loads of healthy fats, fiber, protein, magnesium, and vitamin E. Apart from lowering blood sugar levels, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels, it can also keep you and your kid full for a long time. Do it the old way, soak some overnight and consume on an empty stomach or just let your toddler snack in between the study sessions.
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Your mom must have told you, your dad must have forced you and now here we are. Don’t let your little one skip the daily dose of milk. It will not only help your kid to build healthy physic but comes packed with nutrients for the brain.

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An old study says a diet rich in spinach helps the brain alert in old age. It promotes brain health with its antioxidant properties along with Vitamin B, E, K, folate, and L-tyrosine. These nutrients can also help adults to improve their mental focus. Don’t you remember ‘Popeye: the sailor man’ show? He eats spinach and so should your kid.

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Ghee or the clarified butter is probably found in every Indian kitchen. It is widely known as ‘brain tonic’ for its rich properties. No doubt adds a burst of flavours to anything and everything.

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