01/5Foods that might be causing your headache

Lots of people have a really high tolerance for pain but when it comes to a headache, let's just say that tolerance goes right out the window. There's hardly anything you can accomplish when your head's throbbing that way and while there are a number of factors like stress, lack of sleep, acidity and so on that can cause headaches, the most common one happens to be due to consuming certain foods. So, if you're wondering what it is that you've eaten that's making your head throb, here are some foods that can give you a headache.

by Alisha Alam


This might come as a surprise but yes, chocolate can cause headaches. Some chocolates contain low quantities of cocoa and also contain chemicals like tyramine and caffeine. These ingredients can play a part in giving people migraine headaches. And we all know how painful those are.

03/5Artificial sweeteners

Yep, artificial sweeteners and substitutes of sugar like saccharin, acesulfame, aspartame, neotame, and sucralose are often added to fruits and beverages to make them sweeter. But unfortunately, some of these can trigger intense headaches in people.

04/5Ice cream

Your favourite dessert might just be causing that terrible headache you're having right now. Since ice cream is chilled, the cold temperatures can interfere with how blood flows into the brain and the nerves respond by causing blood vessels to swell up which in turn result in a headache.


While most people enjoy snacking on peanuts, what they're unaware of is that peanuts contain a chemical called tyramine. So, when you consume too many peanuts all at once, it might just result in a migraine headache. Even nut butter made from peanuts can do this.