01/5Foods that speed up the ageing process

Sun exposure and advanced glycation end products (AGEs) are the two main factors that speed up the ageing process. While a lot of it is not in our control, watching what you eat can help heal and protect your skin. Certain foods produce less collagen and can damage your skin. Here are the foods you need to avoid. Also, find out what products you can consume to replace these unhealthy products.

by Darielle Britto

02/5French fries

French fries taste divine and no one can eat just one, right? However, this delightful treat is salty and fried. That means it is also loaded with a whole lot of AGE. Fried foods cause cellular damage because they release free radicals, which is no good for us. It also accelerates the ageing process as it weakens the elasticity of the skin. Opt for baked sweet potato fries instead of the oily fries. It helps in collagen production.

by Darielle Britto

03/5White sugar

Sugar has been found to cause breakouts and acne and cause the formation of AGEs. When AGE is stimulated it can cause a lot of damage to the skin and speed up the ageing process. Instead of going for a sugary drink or ice cream, satisfy your craving with a sweet tasting fruit or dark chocolate.

by Darielle Britto


Researchers have found those who limit their intake of margarine or butter have less skin damage and wrinkles than people who consume a lot of it. Margarine is also very high in hydrogenated oils. This makes the skin more prone to ultraviolet radiation, which can cause damage to the collagen and elasticity of the skin. Opt for foods that are rich in antioxidants on your morning toast like avocado or olive oil.

by Darielle Britto

05/5White bread

White bread is almost a staple in most household. However, the combo of carbs and protein can cause AGEs to form, which has an impact on chronic diseases and speed up the ageing process. This bread has a high glycemic index and can increase the risk of inflammation in the body. Choose sprouted beans instead as their rich in antioxidants which is beneficial for the skin.

by Darielle Britto