01/24Here are some healthy foods to feast on this season if a healthy diet is on your mind

Come winter, most of us tend to feel low and depressed. We bet you have heard of the winter blues, right? You may also start to feel lethargic and lazy. Most people tend to start bingeing on sugary snacks to help uplift their mood but all that does is increase their weight. So, if you're looking for foods to boost energy without adding tons of kilos to your weight, here are some healthy options for you to try. Take a look.

by Jehana Antia


Jaggery is considered to be a warm food and can be consumed in many ways. t's actually a healthier solution than sugar and contains many vitamins and minerals like iron, magnesium, potassium and phosphorus. It's a natural cure for migraines, asthma, fatigue, cough and cold. You can consume jaggery in winters as it helps in generating enough body heat and keeps you warm inside. You can also consume some fresh ginger along with it to cure winter cough.

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03/24Whole grains

Whole grains are packed with carbohydrates and protein to provide you with energy so your body can run efficiently. Make sure to incorporate foods like wheat bread and oatmeals. The body can better digest these kinds of foods better than grains that are processed.

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One of the most popular fruits in the world and a very good source of carbs and fibre are apples. One medium sized apple a day is enough to give you 25 grams of carbs and 4 grams of fibre. Since they're rich in natural sugars, apples can give you the kind of energy that you need during the lazy winter days. Apples also have a high antioxidant content which could slow down the digestion and keep your energy levels high for a longer period of time.

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If there is a vegetable you need to add to your diet this winter, let it be broccoli. The health benefits you can obtain from it are immense. This vegetable is loaded with vitamins E, B6, and A.

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Honey is naturally warm and can help add warmth to your body during the winters which can help boost energy in your system. What's more, it works great in improving your immune system and can even keep basic health conditions like cold, cough and flu at bay.

07/24Sesame seeds

Do you know why chikki is so sought-after during the winters? It's because they're often made using sesame seeds. Loaded with iron and calcium, sesame seeds can work wonders in strengthening your bones and muscles which can also provide you with some much-needed energy.

08/24Brussels Sprouts

They say eat what you don't like and for good reason. Brussels sprouts may not be popular for its flavour, but it is loaded with health benefits. It is also a rich source of fibre, vitamins K and C. It will also provide you with the energy you need in the cold season.
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Artichokes have many health benefits. Regularly consuming it can improve bone health and keep them strong. This vegetable could also protect against heart disease. Artichokes are also loaded with dietary fibre and vitamin K.

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Coconut is a rich source of medium-chain triglycerides. These are the kind of fats the body can absorb more easily. It is good for the body and will fuel you with energy to get you through the day. Consume coconut regularly. It makes for a great snack too.

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