01/5Your kids can learn to make their meals by themselves with the help of these fun recipes

It's a task to keep your kid entertained with food and at the same time, we also have to look after how healthy they are eating. Although, there are various ways in which you can make your kids eat fresh and healthy foods. And one of those ways is by making them learn some kid-friendly food recipes. These recipes are easy to make and contain minimum ingredients so your kids can make the most out of this learning experience.

by Dhwani Vora

02/5Alphabet pizzas

Normal pizzas are no news but make them into alphabet shapes and they instantly turn interesting. You can let your little one identify all the letters in their names and then help them cut those letters out of the pizza dough. The rest of the steps are all kid-friendly to follow which includes adding sauce, toppings and cheese.

03/5Donut apples

For this one, adults will have to handle the cutting and coring of the apples, but the kids can very much take it from there. They can get as creative as they wish to but do ask them to correctly label the circular shapes.

04/5Popcorn chicken

You can teach your kid where the real food comes from and how it doesn't come out of a box. You need to show them how the chopping, breading and baking of popcorn chicken is done. This dish can be ready in less than an hour. So it's not that big an issue.

05/5Tomato butter spaghetti

This could turn out to be your kid's favourite dish to cook. It's the simplest marinara sauce that you can make and kids will for sure relish being part of the entire process. It's fun to cook noodles and even more fun to eat them.