These massage techniques could offer relief from sinus pain

Darielle Britto | Sep 3, 2019, 13:09 IST
Sinus pain can be extremely unbearable and uncomfortable for many. Patience suffers from headaches, fever, coughing and a stuffy nose. All these symptoms together can make a person feel absolutely terrible.

This condition is generally caused by a common cold and allergies, which causes your sinuses to swell. According to the Mayo Clinic, "chronic sinusitis occurs when the spaces inside your nose and head are swollen and inflamed". While medication can be extremely helpful to treat these issues, there are a few natural strategies you can try that can offer great relief from this kind of pain.

One natural remedy you could try is a massage. More and more experts recommend this method alongside other treatment options for a host of illnesses. "The medical community is more accepting of massage therapy than ever before," Jerrilyn Cambron, board president of the Massage Therapy Foundation, told a news portal. Adding, "Many massage therapists now have active, fruitful relationships with conventional care providers."

By rubbing specific sinus points gently, it can offer a lot of relief for those who suffer from the condition. It also helps to promote drainage from the sinuses and it can also ease congestion. Best of all you can do it yourself.

Here are a few massage techniques you could try that may offer relief from sinus pain

* Frontal sinus points

Above your eyes, at the centre of the forehead is where the frontal sinuses lie. Massage this area by placing your middle and index fingers at the side of your forehead. Make sure you warm up your hands by rubbing them together before you do this. Slowly massage this area for 30 seconds in a circular motion.

* Maxillary sinus points

The maxillary sinuses are situated on either side of the nose, just below the cheeks, and above your teeth. It is the biggest of all the sinuses. To massage this area, place your index and middle fingers on either side of your nose. For 30 seconds massage this spot in a circular motion. Replace your index fingers with your thumbs if you want to apply more pressure

* Sphenoid/ethmoid sinus points

The sphenoid sinuses are located in the sphenoid bone, which is just below the pituitary gland. Meanwhile, the ethmoid sinuses are in in the ethmoid bone. Only one kind of massage technique is needed to tackle both these kinds of sinuses. Take your index fingers and place it on your nose's bridge. Add pressure to that area and hold it firmly. Next, stroke downwards with your index fingers for 30 seconds.

These massages can be done as many times as you want. You can also try it with other natural remedies to help you feel better.

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