01/5Bad morning habits that stop you from shedding those kilos

Whoever thinks of losing weight, should first know that a good diet is as much important as a good workout session. Not just that, you need to make a few lifestyle changes too in order to see yourself lose some weight. Consistency is key but there are a few things that gets neglected on a day-to-day basis when it comes to losing weight. Now, you might not think these make a big deal, but ideally they do. Everything you do in the day ultimately shows up on your body. And so, if you have any bad habits, particularly in the mornings, you must attempt to stop them sooner, so as to help weight loss process.

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by Dhwani Vora

02/5Sleeping in for long

Your mind and body requires 7-8 hours of sleep each night. But if you're going to snooze that alarm each time and keep sleeping in, you aren't going to be able to achieve much with this laziness. It's very important to get started with the day early and end it early too.

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03/5Skipping breakfast

Haven't you heard that your breakfast is the most important meal of the day? Skipping it in the morning is not going to do you any good. Skipping a meal in the morning will make you cranky and tired for the entire day. It could also make you overeat at odd hours.

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04/5Not hydrating

Eating in the mornings is surely very essential, but so is drinking water. Especially during the hot months of the year, your body will need more hydration to get started with a workout session. Water also flushes out the toxins from the body when you pass urine. This will help a lot to lose weight.

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05/5Not stretching enough

Stretching is a very important thing to include when you're going to move that body. Your muscles are working hard when you workout and so you need to give them a little stretch to make them feel better. Otherwise, you are going to be in a lot of pain the next day due to stiff muscles. Dedicate some morning time to just stretch your body.

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