01/9Signs that prove you should say 'I Love You' to your friend

When it's weird that you can't see or talk to him every day: There might have been a time when not talking to someone or not seeing someone every single day, didn't seem like a very big deal to you. But if you find yourself missing him and feeling like he should be there with you, maybe it's a sign that you've fallen in love.

by Alisha Alam

02/9You keep typing and erasing the words 'I love you'

You want to tell him but you're afraid of what might happen. And this has led to multiple 'I love you' or 'I like you' texts being typed and erased. But maybe this is also a sign that you should probably tell him how you feel. You wouldn't want to wait around forever, would you?

by Alisha Alam

03/9You feel restless when you have a fight with him

When you truly care for a person and when you feel a deep affection for them, then you'll feel restless when you have an argument with them. You'll want to make things up to them and figure things out so that the two of you can feel normal again.

by Alisha Alam

04/9Seeing him makes your heart skip a beat

Sure, you're super comfortable around him now, but that doesn't mean that your heart doesn't skip a beat every time you see him. You like him and you're attracted to him so even though you feel like you can be yourself around him, you still feel like he's something special.

by Alisha Alam

05/9His texts make you smile

If a simple text from him leaves you smiling all day like an idiot, we're sure you know what that means. It might not even be something very meaningful, it could just be a simple 'Hey' or just a good morning text but if it makes you want to curl with him in bed, then girl you are in love.

by Alisha Alam

06/9You blush when he casually flirts with you

Let's make something clear. A girl will under no circumstances blush if she doesn't like the guy who's flirting with her. So if you find yourself going all red, then that's a for sure sign that you're into this guy. Plus, if you like him you’ll also enjoy all the attention you're getting from him.

by Alisha Alam

07/9You keep daydreaming about him

You keep imagining what it would be like when the two of you finally confess your feelings for each other. And while it scares you it also makes you feel really happy. And just imagining scenarios with him keeps you lost in your thoughts. Well, we say you go up to him and say those three magical words.

by Alisha Alam

08/9You think about him in your future

You constantly think about being with him in the future. You might even imagine getting married to him and starting a family with him. So, if you keep wondering whether you two will be together in the future, maybe you should just ask him.

by Alisha Alam

09/9You can't imagine dating anyone else

No matter how hard you try, your attention always draws back to him. And by this point, you can't even imagine dating someone else. Well, there really isn't any point in waiting any longer then. You should definitely go tell him how much he means to you.

by Alisha Alam