These signs will tell you for sure if you're suffering from endometriosis

Alisha Alam | Jul 26, 2019, 15:25 IST
Medicine may have advanced tremendously but it also feels like the ailments we suffer from are advancing at the same rapid rate. Every day a new disease makes a surface and every day we hear of a new battle to fight such problems. One rather common condition that women go through is endometriosis. And it is very important to correctly identify it and treat it.

“Endometriosis is a condition where the inner tissue lining of the uterus grows outside of the uterus and causes an inflammatory response,” said an expert. The lining sheds from the other end and lands itself on various pelvic organs and intestines as well. This process is known as retrograde menstruation. “If your mom or sister has endometriosis, then you’re much more likely to experience it, as well. And even though endometriosis can occur in any woman of reproductive age, it’s more common in women in their 30s, which is likely related to the years of having periods,” the expert continued.

These signs will prove that you're suffering from the condition:

Sex is more painful than pleasurable: “Scar tissue can build up over time to cause generalised pelvic pain and painful sex in some women,” said one doctor. So, if you find that you're experiencing more pain than pleasure, chances are you're suffering from endometriosis.

It is painful to go to the bathroom: “Since endometriosis implants can bleed in response to cyclical hormone changes and the blood has nowhere to escape, scar tissue builds up and can cause pain anywhere in the pelvic region, including near the bladder and rectum,” the doctor added. “This can mechanically press on the bladder or rectum to cause pain,” she said.

You notice random spotting and bleeding: Spotting during your period is pretty common but in between your period cycles, it is not only uncomfortable but is worrisome as well. So, you should definitely get it checked by your doctor.

Periods can get very painful: Getting cramps during your periods is pretty normal but in the case of endometriosis, pain can start a day or two before your period begins and can continue for several days after it's over. “It’s often chronic, dull, throbbing, sharp, or burning in nature,” said a doctor.

You bleed very heavily during your period: It's a given that blood flow varies from woman to woman but if you're having unnecessarily heavy bleeding then you really need to get it checked. “Heavier bleeding can result in not being able to go to work or school,” said one doctor.

It is difficult to get pregnant: More than 25-30% of women can't get pregnant because they suffer from endometriosis. It can cause women to become infertile due to the build-up of scar tissue.

If you're suffering from any of these symptoms, go get yourself checked and start treatment immediately. Stay tuned for more updates.

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