These signs will tell you if you've developed thyroid

Alisha Alam | Jul 25, 2019, 11:26 IST
Unless you live under a rock, we're sure you've at least heard of what thyroid is. It happens to be a gland that is located in our neck and is responsible for regulating body temperature, helping the digestive system and keeping the heartbeat in sync. And even a small malfunction in this gland can make things go berserk in your body. There are two types of thyroid conditions - hypothyroidism, which is when the gland doesn’t secrete enough of the hormone and the body functions slow down; hyperthyroidism, where the hormone is produced in excess and everything speeds up.

Here are a few symptoms of hypothyroidism that you should be aware of:

Constipation: Since the food you consume isn't able to be digested properly, you end up feeling constipated all the time. Your body ends up working slower than usual and thus you end up feeling this way.

Hair loss and dry skin: Your hair starts to break and become brittle and the lost hair follicles are not replaced by new ones leaving you with hair loss. Since you tend to sweat less, your skin also becomes dry and can also get itchy and flaky.

Muscular pain: You start to feel stiff and weak which can make you feel like your muscles are aching all the time.

High blood pressure: Thyroidism can also lead to high blood pressure which can turn into a nuisance after one point because you end up with a headache, chest pain, pounding in your ears, breathing difficulty etc.

Increased appetite: Your appetite also increases significantly and you tend to feel hungry all the time. This can lead to an increase in food consumption which can lead to an increase in weight gain.

Feeling low: If you're feeling sad or depressed out of the blue, it's probably because your thyroid gland isn't functioning properly and is making you feel all these unnecessary emotions.

Sleeping excessively: Since your metabolism slows down and the food you consume can't be converted into energy efficiently, you end up feeling sleepy all the time. And because of this, you won't feel better even after getting lots of sleep.
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