01/5Want beautiful skin? Here are a few Thai beauty secrets you could try

A quick search online about beauty and the information out there will blow your mind. Where do you start? From special products to natural ingredients, there's plenty of ways to achieve flawless skin. However, Thai women seem to know a thing or two on how to achieve beautiful skin in natural and simple ways. While some say it's their good genes, others believe its what they use certain items in everyday life that may hold the secret. Here are a few Thai beauty secrets that may help you achieve flawless skin.

by Darielle Britto


The smell of fresh lemongrass is calming and super soothing. It is a big ingredient in the wellness world. However, it also has loads of beauty benefits. It is suitable for all types of skin so you can make your face pack with it. You can make your face pack with boiled lemongrass water, lemongrass oil or lemongrass extract. This ingredient works to get rid of excess oil and unclogs pores.

03/5Coconut oil

Coconut oil has so many beneficial uses in food, hair and for your skin. It is one of that multipurpose product that can do it all. Because it is a natural oil, it is safe to use. You can use it on its own or with a mixture of ingredients to make a face pack. You can apply some of it on your face as a cleaning agent. Rub a small amount of it around the area of your eyes. You can do this while you are in the shower or just before you shower.


Papaya is not only delicious but it is also super nutritious. It contains an enzyme that can transform dull skin into gorgeous-looking skin. More importantly, it works to get rid of dead skin cells. Use it regularly in a pack or scrub to make the most out of it. You should also consume this fruit as often as you can to achieve healthy skin.


Tamarind is rich in vitamins and minerals that can do wonders on our skin. Many beauty products contain this ingredient. Make a tamarin paste and use it as a facial pack. Massage it well into your skin, so it gets rid of excess dirt. Alpha-hydroxyl acids (AHAs) found in tamarind work to reduce dark spots and improve your complexion over time. You'll achieve soft skin in no time.