These tips could help you control your snacking habits during the coronavirus lockdown

Alisha Alam | Apr 20, 2020, 11:28 IST
The entire world is now in a state of lockdown owing to the dreaded coronavirus pandemic. While it's difficult enough to be cooped up inside all day, this situation can be even worse for people who were trying to lose weight. When you can't step out for a jog or go to the gym, you do have a tendency to just become a couch potato. Well, if you've been bingeing on snacks like the rest of us but you'd really like to shed some kilos, there are a few tips that can help control your snacking habits. And these include the Intermittent Fasting diet.

The intermittent fasting diet is one of the most famous diets across the globe right now. Known for its quick and satisfying results, most people have found that this diet is also comparatively more comfortable to adhere to. Now, there are three types of intermittent fasting if you're looking to try this out. They're called - Alternate-day fasting, Periodic fasting and Daily timed restricted feeding.

Alternate Day Fasting - As the name suggests, the alternate-day fasting diet includes eating 25% less than your normal diet on one day and eating whatever you want on the day right after. On the day of the fast, you are allowed to consume calorie-free beverages like green tea, coffee and water while on the next day when you aren't fasting you are allowed to consume whatever you'd like.

Periodic fasting - During this diet, an individual is required to fast for an entire day that is 24 hours. Also known as the 5:2 diet, it involves one or two days of fasting during the entire week. You're allowed to consume about 500-700 calories or about 25 percent of regular daily calorie intake during the fasting days. However, this type of dieting can prove to be a little more difficult for people.

Daily timed restricted fasting - This is the most common method people opt for amongst the three methods of intermittent fasting. It allows you to consume food and drinks only during certain hours of the day. It's often a 16:8 ratio wherein you have to fast for 16 hours while you can eat what you want during the remaining 8 hours (controlling snacking habits of course). Most people opt to eat from mid-day to 8 pm as this seems like the most ideal time.

So, all you need to do is pick one of the three and stick to it. And you will end up losing weight in no time! Stay tuned for more updates.

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