These tips will help you become a positive person

Deesha Bondre | Aug 13, 2019, 17:53 IST
The quality of our thoughts has massive power. They can very well change the course of our lives. Energy can be created with positive and empowering thoughts, which also give our body energy, making us happier and joyous. On the other hand, negative thoughts can have an equally negative effect. Which is why having a just positive outlook can have a voluminous difference in our own lives.
While one doesn’t have to force themselves to make deep inner changes, one can simply be begun by slowly shifting their thoughts, beliefs and perspectives on a more positive outlook. Here’s how you can do it.
Accept responsibility for your life and regain control
When you take responsibility of the things that are happening in life, you automatically feel more in control about the things that may be going wrong. This also gives you the power to change things if need be. Of course, this doesn’t mean everything is your fault. But taking responsibility allows you to change things for the better, all by yourself.
Examine your current beliefs and choose those that empower you
One’s belief system is the software they run on. Hence, if one is running on faulty software, things won’t operate efficiently. For example, if you truly believe you are not loved, you will become sensitive around people. To avoid hurting you, people will eventually distance them from you. This will further strengthen the belief that you are not loved. The cycle will then repeat itself and suck you into a downward emotional spiral as a result.
On the other hand, if you believe that you are loved by everyone, you will be a delight to hang around with, and as a result, attract tons of loving people into your life. This will enable you to stay in higher energy vibrations of peace, joy and love.
Break the cycle of negative thinking
Understand that having one negative thought can be very damaging. Even if it is a tiny one, because it gives birth to many other negative thoughts until you crumble under the pressure. Only a positive thought can stop the train of negative thoughts you are on. So the next time you are thinking of a self-deprecating thought, remind yourself your other achievements. Remind yourself you are worthy. Consciously decide to stop thinking negatively. Surely, it will become second nature after you continue to do so.
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