These tips will help you deal with your oily skin from the am to the pm!

Alisha Alam | Mar 26, 2020, 16:43 IST
No matter what your skin type is, it can't possibly be as bad as having oily skin. Whether it's having a constant sheen of oil on your face or having your skin clogged throughout the day, oily skin can pretty much make you feel like you're in a living nightmare that won't let your skin be beautiful. And as much as you tell yourself that those pesky wrinkles won't show up on your face as early as they will on other skin types, having to deal with oily skin all day long certainly can become a hassle.

Well, worry not, for we've got some very simple tips for you to follow that'll ensure you can deal with your oily skin from the am to the pm. Here's what they are:

- Carry some blotting paper: We're sure you're tempted to use facewash on your face multiple times a day because you might believe that it can help keep the oil levels down. But doing that will only strip your skin of its natural oils and that will end up making your skin produce even more oil to compensate. So, the best option for you is to carry blotting papers with you since these do a wonderful job of soaking up excess oil without doing anything else to your face. They won't even disturb your makeup if you have some on.

- Apply primer before putting on your makeup: Yes, a primer's main feature is to act as a canvas for your makeup and give you a more defined and finished look but it can also help make your skin look more matte. And isn't that what all you girls with oily skin need?

- Use some finishing powder: We're talking about that translucent powder women apply to their makeup-clad faces to help their makeup settle. This powder can work wonders in absorbing oil and giving you a more matte look so remember to apply this to your face every time you're putting on some makeup.

Follow these simple tips and you'll be able to take care of your oily skin in the most perfect ways. Stay tuned for more updates.
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