These tips will help you if you're looking to grow taller

Alisha Alam | Jul 9, 2019, 11:15 IST
Growing up we're sure you did a lot of things to ensure that you grew up tall. While some people tend to opt for medicines, others opt for physical exercises. And while these methods may work for some people, for others they don't. Ultimately, one must also remember that height has a lot more to do with genetics than it does with any other thing. Nevertheless, if you're still at that stage where you can grow taller, experts suggest that opting for the right diet can also help.

Our height is controlled by a hormone called the Human Growth Hormone (HGH) which is secreted by the pituitary gland. So, if one starts to consume foods that can help improve the secretion of this hormone, their height might also increase. Foods like milk, cream, yoghurt, paneer etc that are rich in calcium and Vitamin D can help stimulate the growth hormone.

Another type of food people should consume is proteins. Foods like eggs and chicken can really help so one needs to have at least two eggs every day and should consume chicken at least six days a week. These foods are also rich in Vitamin B12 which helps the body function properly. Apart from this, one can also consume soybeans as they can help make your bones and tissues stronger which can aid in the growth of your height. Try to consume at least 75gms of soybean every day.

One can also consume fruits and vegetables but try to consume raw fruits without turning them into some sort of juice or meal. And if you're cooking your vegetables, make sure to not overdo them or they'll lose all their nutrients. You can also try consuming Ashwagandha also known as Indian ginseng. Just mix it with some milk and drink it.

Try these tips and see if something works out for you. Stay tuned for more updates.

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