01/5Want to go grocery shopping? These tips will help you practice precaution

The entire nation is in a state of lockdown due to the deadly coronavirus pandemic and people have been urged to stay indoors as much as possible. While we may not need other things but food and groceries are bare necessities that we all have to step out for. You can't possibly hoard everything up because unlike other materials food starts to go bad. So, if you're having to make a trip to the grocery store but are also worried about the illness, here are a few tips that will help you practice precaution in the right way. Take a look.

by Alisha Alam

02/5Try not to touch too many surfaces

As per guidelines from the WHO, it is in your best interest to avoid touching surfaces as much as possible since the virus can thrive on such surfaces for at least three days. So, be very careful and only pick up things that you need. Steer clear of the other areas. And remember not to touch your face.

03/5Stay six-feet away from others

While this may prove to be a little difficult, it definitely is something that you should try to do. Try to maintain a distance of at least six feet from other people as well as from the store employees. It can genuinely help make a difference. And don't go anywhere if there's a crowd present.

04/5Opt for sanitising wipes

Carrying sanitising wipes with you can come in rather handy because you can use it to not only wipe your hands but to also wipe surfaces like the shopping cart or the handle of the bag you carried. Even if the wipes don't do a spectacular job of cleaning something, they'll still help reduce the risk anyway.

05/5Opt for digital payment methods if possible

These days everyone from your autowala to your fruit vendor has digital apps like GooglePay and PayTm which can help you transfer money digitally. So, it's safe to say that a grocery store should have such apps too. And if they do, then make sure you use them. And if not, then sanitise your hands as soon as you get back home.