01/10Prevent Alzheimer's by practicing these things

It's no secret that many adults today suffer from Alzheimer’s disease. For those uninitiated, this disease causes brain cells to degenerate and die and is also a common cause of dementia which leads to a decline of cognitive thinking and behavioural skills. Eventually, the person starts to forget things about the past and might even have difficulty remembering people. While not much can be done to help once the disease has progressed, there are certain precautions that one can take. Here are a few of them.

by Dhwani Vora

02/10Learn a new language

Learning a new language can open you up to a whole new culture and can also help add yet another feather to your cap. But while that's great on its own, what it can also do is to delay the onset of Alzheimer’s by at least four years.

03/10Quit smoking

Smoking is the most preventable risk factor for Alzheimer's and dementia as well. Not every smoker will get Alzheimer's but the risk increases with intensity and duration of smoking. Hence, quit smoking.

04/10Learn new things

You always need to keep learning new things in order to lower the risk of Alzheimer's disease. The more you learn the stronger your brain will become. A fun way to go about it is to learn creative things like learning an instrument, painting, pottery, etc. The action of learning and experiencing new things will stimulate the process. You can also learn a new language, try sculpting, etc. The more complex the activity, the greater benefit will it bring to your brain.

05/10Practice coordination and balance

If you've had a head injury by falling, it can risk your age where you find it difficult to stay steady on your feet. For this, doing coordination and balance exercises work well to keep you agile and will help you avoid falls out of imbalance. Exercising establishes your body well and keeps you strong and steady. You can try yoga or Pilates to stay healthy.

06/10Manage your blood pressure

High blood pressure isn't just bad for your heart but it also has a connection with dementia. It's common for people with Alzheimer's related brain changes to have signs of vascular damage in the brain. Hence, keeping your blood pressure down is only going to be good for your brain and heart. For this, you can limit your intake of alcohol.

07/10Switch to a Mediterranean diet

We're asking you to eat much more fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, olive oil, nuts, moderate amounts of eggs, red wine and all those foods. Switch to a Mediterranean diet and you're going to love it.


You don't necessarily have to be the life of the party but you can surely connect with people who can make you feel like you belong and that you're heard. Who don't leave you feeling isolated and help you make more memories.

09/10Sleep better

If you haven't been getting enough sleep, start getting some as a solid seven to eight hours of sleep can really go a long way for your health. If you find it difficult to sleep, eat foods like bananas and peanut butter to better it.


It is recommended that aerobic exercises and strength training works the best as physical activity. You can aim for 30 to 40 minutes of these exercises at least three to four days a week.