01/5These health benefits will convince you to skip processed foods

In a bid of going healthier, all lot of people pledge to do different things. While some stick to the usual route, and pledge to exercise regularly. Other make things far more complicated by trying out a diet they probably can’t adhere to for a week even. Here’s an alternate route for those who’ve chosen the eating healthy path. It’s a small but significant change and will definitely bring a difference. Skipping processed food. Yup, that’s right. This small activity has a ton of positive effects. Read on to know what they are.

by Deesha Bondre

02/5Your mood will improve

Processed food is primarily made up of refined carbohydrates and sugar which the body absorbs faster. Hence it becomes common to experience spikes and dips in blood sugar. Additionally, if your diet doesn’t consist of fiber and other natural ingredients, it absorbs the sugar even faster. There is also link between processed food and dopamine and serotonin. While sugary goods do release mood boosting hormones like serotonin, it isn’t such a good thing in the long run, because, the brain’s serotonin stores are in limited supply and constantly depleting serotonin levels can mimic depression symptoms.

by Deesha Bondre

03/5You’ll have better concentration

As mentioned previously, processed food is usually laden with corn-starch, sugar or high levels of fructose. While sugar is essential for the functioning of the brain, it is best to consume sugar in natural forms. Consuming a high amount of sugar can throw one’s brain off balance and make it difficult for it concentrate. Processed foods also causes sugar crashes which leads to one having anxiety, heart palpitations, and fatigue, which can all make it next to impossible to focus and complete tasks. So if you want to concentrate better, avoid that breakfast granola bar.

by Deesha Bondre

04/5You’ll feel less bloated

Processed food often has sodium as one of their primary ingredients, which helps in keeping the food fresh. If one cuts off processed food, they’re cutting out sodium ingredients thus having a positive impact on belly bloating. Sodium is responsible for water retention, which makes one feel bloated. Poor hydration levels and lots of sodium make the body retain water. Your body holds onto any and all water causing bloating, puffiness, or swelling.

by Deesha Bondre

05/5You’ll sleep better

Processed food and good sleep are related by more than a few reasons. One is the effect that eating these foods has on blood sugar. Keeping blood sugar steady—by avoiding refined and processed foods such as sodas and cereals—helps you sleep normally. More sugar (in the form of processed food) you eat during the day, the more often you’re going to wake up in the middle of the night. Heavily processed foods also tend to be higher in fat which—if eating them near bedtime—can contribute to indigestion or heartburn that often disrupts sleep too.

by Deesha Bondre