Things that smoking does to your skin

Dhwani Vora | Jul 22, 2019, 11:45 IST
You'd all now that smoking affects your lungs and heart by taking the smoke down your throat. But the tobacco can also affect your skin to great limits and you probably wouldn't know about that. Even if you follow a skincare routine on a daily basis and smoke too, you can still have skin issues. Here are a few skin problems listed down for you to learn about the same:

- Skin gets rough, dull and dry: Smoking can affect the top layer of your skin very easily. Since the regenerative property of cells is slow too, smoking can end up making your skin look dry and dull because of oxidative accumulation of toxins.

- Smoking kills skin cells: Since smoking increases the oxidative stress in the skin, the production of new skin cells gets affected and it even damages the already alive ones which can eventually start making your skin look dry and dull at all times.

- Can give you premature ageing and wrinkles: Smoking tobacco can weaken the production of collagen on your skin which is generally responsible to keep your skin soft and tight. Smoking can affect the skin where it makes it prone to losing its elasticity which ultimately results in wrinkling.

- Increases pigmentation: Tobacco can trigger melatonin in the skin which makes the skin tone appear different than the usual. You'll see the effects first on the lips and eventually around the area causing the skin to dry and seem dull and patchy.

- Smoking delays wound healing: The nicotin in cigarettes reduces blood flow in your skin. And since the skin doesn't get enough supply of nutrients and minerals, it starts to affect the process of wound healing due to blocked blood vessels.

Don't be under the impression that all of this won't affect people who are occasional smokers. All of it can still very much affect your skin even if smoked rarely or once in a while. Smoking is and always will be injurious to health.

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