01/10No one needs to know these things about your relationship

All the intimate details: As much as you think you should discuss your bedroom affairs with your friends, trust us, that's not the brightest idea. There's absolutely no need to tell your friends what your boyfriend likes or dislikes in bed. You most certainly would be horrified if you found out he was telling his friends about these things, wouldn't you?

by Alisha Alam

02/10About their family

Yes, there's a big chance that you might end up not liking some certain members of his family but it's really okay. These things happen. There's no need to go telling the world about your preferences. Always remember that if ever things take a turn for the better in your relationship, these tiny details can come back to bite you later.

by Alisha Alam

03/10Don't put up cryptic messages

Sometimes when we don't have anybody to talk to we end up venting on social media platforms. Not only is this something that is too personal to share but it is also something that people will end up being super confused about especially if you're being cryptic about it. Instead, be calm and figure out what it is that's bothering you and then address the issue.

by Alisha Alam

04/10Relationship anniversaries

Getting married is a whole different story but when you're in a relationship, nobody apart from you will really care about your anniversaries. Rather than create a fuss about them and tell everyone about them, try to do your own little thing for each other. After all, it is your anniversary and not anybody else's.

by Alisha Alam


Stop comparing your partner with your friends, your siblings, your ex and god knows who else. Stop comparing how tall, dark, rich, poor he is or isn't. Every person is unique and has unique capabilities. Each person has their own personality and if you can't love them for who they are then you shouldn't be with them in the first place. Nobody wants to hear you constantly comparing your SO to others. All that will make them feel is that you really aren't happy with the person you are with.

by Alisha Alam

06/10About your fights

So, you had an argument with your boyfriend. Big deal. All couples fight. There's no reason to go about telling everyone what happened and asking for their opinions. What happens between you and your boyfriend should stay between the two of you.

by Alisha Alam

07/10Money problems

Everybody has tough days. Chances are your boyfriend might have borrowed some money from you on certain occasions or you might have helped him out of a tough situation. But that doesn't mean that you should go around telling people that he has money issues. Not only will this tarnish his image in the minds of your friends, it will also end up hurting him if he finds out.

by Alisha Alam

08/10Personal problems

Your boyfriend trusts you and this trust has helped him confide in you about his personal problems. So, don't go around telling your friends what your boyfriend is going through. What he has shared with you is personal and there's no reason for you to break his trust like that.

by Alisha Alam

09/10Past relationships

Your boyfriend might have told you some things about his past relationships. As much as you might not like some of those details, that doesn't give you the right to talk about them with other people. It'll only make people feel that you're either insecure or jealous.

by Alisha Alam

10/10Constant nagging

Yes, your boyfriend might constantly leave the toilet seat up and he might always leave wet towels on the floor but complaining about it consistently to your friends isn't really going to help. If you're so annoyed with him then maybe he is the one you should talk to.

by Alisha Alam