Things you should keep in mind if you're trying online dating during the coronavirus lockdown

Alisha Alam | Apr 27, 2020, 15:13 IST
Okay, let's get one thing straight. Having online conversations is not enough for you to be falling in love with someone even under normal circumstances. And now that the circumstances have escalated significantly with the coronavirus pandemic hitting the world all at once, you need to be even more careful about your feelings. You need to be able to differentiate between love and loneliness. Don't just cling onto someone because you might be afraid to be lonely. So, if you've been trying online dating during this pandemic, here are some things you must keep in mind.

-Reflect upon your feelings. Try to think about what exactly it is that you want from yourself and from a relationship. When you have these basic ideas clear, you'll know how to connect to the right kind of people too. This way, you'll be able to select better choices and make better decisions about your love life.

-Keep your mood A-ok! This is not the time for you to be burdening yourself with "relationship issues". Talk to people who can help uplift your mood and do the same for them. And if at some point you feel like certain people are bringing you down, maintain a distance from them for now. Don't cling onto people unnecessarily.

-Don't be in a synthetic relationship. If you haven't even met the person you're talking to, you can't possibly be in love with them. So, don't overdo things and don't get overly attached to them. Instead, make plans to meet in person once the situation is stable and until then keep things light and healthy.
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