01/17Here are some skincare mistakes you should avoid

Your skin is the largest organ of your body and the only one you get. Hence, you preserve it and give it some TLC every now and then. Skincare routines and beauty-boosting foods aside, we all know things to do to keep our skin looking youthful and fresh. You might have your own beauty regime but that doesn't mean you might not be making any mistakes. So, if you're looking to restore some radiance to your skin, here are some mistakes you should absolutely avoid making.

by Deesha Bondre

02/17Consuming too much sugar

What you eat shows on your skin, ladies! We understand that you may have that insatiable craving every once in a while, but that doesn't mean you should start eating every sugary thing you can get your hands on. Consuming too much sugar can lead to breakouts, acne, dullness and more. So, make sure you know where to stop.

03/17Not washing your makeup brushes regularly

Yes, you need to make it a point to clean your makeup brushes regularly (at least once a week). Since you use them on your face every day, they become prone to accumulating bacteria and grime they absorb from your skin. So, unless you wash them properly and regularly, you'll risk transferring all that dirt and grime back to your skin. And that's a big no-no.

04/17Not drinking enough water

It's no secret that in order to stay fit and healthy you need to stay hydrated. But did you also know that the quality of your skin depends on how much water you consume? The more hydrated you are, the more radiant and glowing your skin will look. Water can help flush toxins from your system which helps clear up your skin as well.


We know it isn't practical enough to suggest that you completely quit smoking because we know it isn't easy, but if you can cut down on it by a marginal amount, it would do wonders for your skin. Smoking can make your skin look dull, saggy and can even cause premature ageing. So, when you cut down on it or stop, you'll notice just how much better your skin will look.

06/17Not using sun protection all year round

UVB rays are very strong during summer but UVA rays are constant all year round. Although UVA rays won't burn your skin, they contribute to skin aging and even skin cancer! UVA rays can pass through glass windows and clouds so choose a moisturizer with SPF 30 and use it everyday, even in cloudy days.

07/17Avoid using the same skin care product forever

Sometimes when you find a product that works like magic, you want to use it forever and swear off anything else. However, you have to keep in mind that your skin is changing as your age. It also starts to adapt to ingredients in your skincare product, which will make it less effective. Be mindful of the change in season and make sure to choose products that will nourish it and help tackle environmental issues.

by Darielle Britto

08/17Stop stressing so much

Life can be hard. There is a lot to stress about on a daily basis. However, reducing stress is important not only for our overall health but also for the sake of our skin. Stress releases cortisol, which can disrupt the hormones in your body and cause massive breakouts. It can also throw off the balance between good bacteria and bad bacteria in your gut, which reflects on your skin in the form of acne. Take some time for yourself to de-stress. Your skin will thank you for it.

by Darielle Britto

09/17Never go to bed with makeup on

Are you guilty of going to sleep with your makeup on after a tiring night? That is not a good idea and it is a habit you might want to break. Leaving your makeup on all night can clog your pores and cause acne issues. It can also trap dead skin cells and prevent natural exfoliation. This will cause your skin to look dull. Your skin will also get less than half of the amount of oxygen it requires. Never go to sleep without removing all your makeup. Make sure to wash your face thoroughly and apply a moisturizer.

by Darielle Britto

10/17Avoid using facial oils if you have acne prone skin

While facial oils can be therapeutic and beneficial for your skin, it is not suitable for all skin types, especially if it is more acne prone. Different oils contain different properties. Some oils thought to soothe the skin could aggravate it and cause more breakouts. If you have acne prone skin, steer clear of lavender musk. Consult with an expert before you use any product on your face.

by Darielle Britto