This cooking oil should be used for weight loss

Snehha Suresh | Apr 4, 2018, 11:36 IST
Apparently, when you are on a weight loss journey, you ought to follow a strict regime. From eating healthy to regularly working out with all your determination, you leave no stone unturned to achieve desired goals. But not many of us know that apart from eating healthy, it is also important to cook food in healthy oil as oil plays an important role in your health and wellness.

Coconut oil is one of the healthiest cooking oils which help you lose weight and burn belly fat. As coconut oil contains a unique combination of fatty acids, this oil is considered as the most weight loss friendly oil. It has a powerful impact on your metabolism, which in turn, aids weight loss.

How does cooking with healthy oil help?
Studies have also proved that by just adding coconut oil to your diet, you can lose abdominal fat. Coconut oil consists of medium chain triglycerides and fatty acids that help in boosting metabolism. Mostly, foods contain long-chain fatty acids but coconut oil contains medium-chain fatty acids. These are sent to the liver from the digestive tract where either they are used for producing energy or converted into ketone bodies. When they turn into ketone bodies (which liver produces on eating coconut oil), they have a powerful impact on appetite reduction.

Coconut oil helps in burning calories
Coconut oil has an important property, which is referred to as its 'thermogenicity'. This means that eating coconut oil tends to increase energy level and boost fat burning process. In a few other findings, it was shown that when humans replace normal fats with medium-chain fats, they tend to burn more calories. It proved that calories you get from coconut oil are not the same as those you get from other oils (though they might be healthy too).

How coconut oil reduces your appetite
When you have a low appetite, you eat less and without even trying much, you tend to lose weight. Experts are of the opinion that medium chain acids in coconut oil increase your feeling of fullness. This results in less intake of calories and you maintain a healthy weight. This is the reason these fats are well metabolized and are good for your body.

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