This DIY using green tea can work wonders for acne-prone skin

Alisha Alam | Jun 2, 2020, 14:09 IST
People with acne-prone skin know just how difficult and tedious it is to deal with their skin type. You can keep opting for topical treatments and of course, they'll work but there's always a pimple ready to pop out in place of the pimple that you just got rid of. And that can be quite a hassle to manage. Plus, we don't even know when we'll be able to go visit a salon or a dermatologist to help get rid of this pesky acne problem.

So, what should you do? Opt for DIYs of course. They're the best course of action to take right now. So, if you're fed up of dealing with pesky acne and pimples, here's a simple DIY using green tea that will help get rid of those zits in no time. Here's what you need to do.

You'll need one green tea bag, one teaspoon of vitamin E gel and a few drops of rose water. Now all you need to do is brew the green tea for a while. Then let it cool down and add the vitamin E gel and rose water to the mixture. Mix the contents well and transfer them into an ice-cube tray. Store the tray in your freezer for green tea ice cubes. Apply once ice cube to your face daily and let it air dry. You'll notice the difference it can make to your skin.

Try this out and stay tuned for more updates.

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