This hack makes deodorants last for 24 hours!

Deesha Bondre | Jul 3, 2019, 18:40 IST
Deodorant is one of those things you know probably don’t work, but pick up anyway. Because who wants to risk smelling like a garbage sack in the middle of the day? You might as well re-apply the deodorant, smell decent that have that happen to you! Thus, deodorants have become a necessity, even though they don’t achieve anything unique that can’t be achieved by another product. ( Shower gels, lotions, talcum powders)
But this truly gets to us especially when we see a 24-hour deodorant spray around. Of course, there are some deodorants that work its magic. But some don’t While they’re supposed to last the entire day, users end up reapplying just hours after application. What if we told you, there was a hack that actually made these deodorants helpful? Intrigued? Read on!
Instead of applying deodorant at the beginning of the day in the morning, it's been argued that we should use the product at night to elongate its lasting power. At night time, our body temperature drops and we, therefore, do not sweat as much as in the day. During this time, when sweat glands are less active, sweat ducts are able to absorb more of the active ingredient in antiperspirant. Therefore, by the morning, the product will have sunk in fully and blocked the sweat ducts. Clever, huh? This will mean your deodorant will last for longer and be more effective.
If you apply deodorant in the morning, your sweat glands are super active, so the ducts are less able to absorb the antiperspirant, meaning the formula does not last as long. You should note though, that this only applies for deodorants that contain antiperspirants in them.
Doctor Dawn Harper is an advocate of this prolonging technique and told The Sunher preferred technique:"Apply [deodorant] at night before going to bed to allow to dry fully. Leave on overnight and wash off any residue in the morning with soap and water.”
This hack has sure piqued our interest. Will it work? We can only it out to find out!

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