This ingredient is highly useful in weight loss

Oct 6, 2019, 13:57 IST
Moringa oleifera or drumsticks is often praised for their nutritional benefits. The plant is widely used in Indian cuisine for ages. It a native to the sub-Himalayan areas of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Afghanistan. Almost all parts of the moringa plant is edible, which makes moringa a nutritious superfood. The leaves of this plant are also considered good when trying to shed kilos.

Nutritional value

Moringa leaves are loaded with vitamins and minerals. Apart from this, they are also rich in healthy antioxidants and bioactive plant compounds. However, they contain a high amount of phytates, which are antinutrients that bind with minerals making them less absorbable by the body.

Moringa and weight loss

Moringa leaves are considered beneficial for people trying to lose weight. Different studies conducted on animals show that moringa can decrease fat formation in the body and improve fat breakdown. Moringa leaves also contain anti-inflammatory properties, which is beneficial when weight loss is your ultimate goal.

As per some researchers, isothiocyanates are the main anti-inflammatory compounds found in moringa leaves, pods, and seeds. But the research till now has been limited to test-tube and animal studies. More research is needed to clarify the effect of moringa oleifera on humans.

Other health benefits

Good for skin and hair: Moringa leaves enhance the blood circulation within the body. They act as a natural detoxifier and promote healthy skin and hair.

Good for healthy bones: Loaded with calcium and phosphorus, moringa leaves are good for people suffering from arthritis and joint pain.

Good for blood pressure: Isothiocyanate and niaziminin compounds found in moringa can stop the thickening of arteries and prevent the risk of stroke and heart attack.

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